Anglican and Episcopal Acronyms and Abbreviations

More lists of acronyms and abbreviations
Internet Acronyms Dictionary

+Name Bishop (also +Diocese)
++Name Primate of Province (also ++Province)
Name+ Priest
815 Offices of The Episcopal Church and its Departments (from its street address)
AAC American Anglican Council
ABC Archbishop of Canterbury
ABY Archbishop of York
ACC Anglican Consultative Council
sometimes used for Anglican Church of Canada
ACF Adult Christian Formation
ACN Anglican Communion Network.  See also: AAC and IRD. Not to be confused with ACNS.
ACNS Anglican Communion News Service
AO Anglicans Online
BAS Book of Alternative Services (Canada)
BCP Book of Common Prayer
BOS Book of Occasional Services (TEC)
CDSP Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, California
CEN Church of England Newspaper
CofE Church of England
COM Commission on Ministry
CSSP Companion of the Society of St Paul
CT Church Times
CW Common Worship (England)
DCE Director of Chrisitan Education
DOK Daughters of the King
EC Executive Council (TEC), sometimes also Episcopal Church
ECUSA Episcopal Church of the United States of America (=TEC)
ECW Episcopal Church Women
EFM Education for Ministry
EL Episcopal Life (magazine)
ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ENS Episcopal News Service
EOW Enriching Our Worship
EP Evening Prayer
GC General Convention (of TEC)
GS General Synod
HE Holy Eucharist
HoB House of Bishops
HoBD House of Bishops and Deputies email list
IRD Institute on Religion and Democracy.  See also: AAC, ACN
J2A Journey to Adulthood
LFF Lesser Feasts and Fasts (TEC)
MP Morning Prayer
NZPB New Zealand Prayer Book
ObJN Oblate of the Order of Julian of Norwich
OCM Organist and choirmaster
PB Presiding Bishop (of TEC)

Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America (= TEC)

++RW Rowan Williams.  See ABC.
TEAPOT Those Evil Awful People Over There
TEC The Episcopal Church

The Living Church (magazine)


Vacation Bible School

+VGR Bishop (V) Gene Robinson of New Hampshire
VTS Virginia Theological Seminary
WR Windsor Report

Please send suggestions for additions and corrections to Peter Owen (

page last amended on 23 November 2005