[Magdalen] Episcopal News Service highlights Episcopal Church in South Carolina

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 12:20:28 UTC 2014

Thanks for clearing up my language.  Explaining this mess correctly keeps
the boundaries between each church clear.

Do you think that +++Justin is calling the question?  He wants a sort of
re-commitment to the Anglican Communion from all Primates.  Then redefining
the AC and reconciling each Province to all others is possible.  He is a
very brave man.


On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 4:25 AM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 30/11/2014 23:24, Ginga Wilder wrote:
>> And further, the schismatic churches, which as stated previously, formed
>> other denominations when they broke with TEC.  Some claim to be Episcopal
>> Dioceses (as the Mark Lawrence Church in South Carolina does)
> They are episcopal in the sense that they have bishops as an order rather
> than simply a position (as is the case with the United Methodist Church
> among others).  Anglican orders are indelible, as are RC and Orthodox
> ones.  Clergy who have left a Province of the Anglican Communion retain (at
> least in Anglican eyes) the order they had when they left even if they are
> not authorised to exercise that order. (The same applies to clergy who are
> under discipline.) That means that Mark Lawrence is still a bishop, but not
> within the Church which looks to Katharine Jefferts Schori as its Primate.
>  and most
>> claim to be members of the Anglican Communion through unofficial
>> relationships with Provinces in the Global South (which ARE members of the
>> AC).  Archbishop Justin is clean in the interview that no breakaway church
>> is in Communion with Canterbury, no matter what their unofficial
>> relationships.
> I think the word "official" is a bit slippery here as these relationships
> have, presumably, received the appropriate aithorisation by both parties.
> That said, I agree that they do not transfer into a full communion status
> with the Anglican Communion as a whole, and so not to membership of that
> Communion.  The same sought of rerlationship exists between ELCA and TEC
> under the Called to Common Mission agreement, and to the Church of England
> and the Scandinavian Lutheran Churches under the Porvoo Agreement.
>  This is the truth and factual at this time.  And, in time,
>> this may change as time brings change in the structures of the AC.
>>   +++Justin seems to be a reconciler, so I wouldn't think he'd support
>> throwing anyone out, but perhaps welcoming those beyond the fringes.  But,
>> what do I know?
> +++Justin is certainly a reconciler and has been involved in that line of
> work for many years, dating back to his time as a Canon in Coventry.  That
> is why he is not calling a Lambeth Conference in 2018.  He wants the
> Primates of the Communion to agree if and when a Conference should be held.
> Roger

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