[Magdalen] (ever heard of the) THEREMIN - Over The Rainbow (on YouTube)

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 19:51:56 UTC 2014

I checked Google images (and my memory/brain) and I'm sure you're
right. Her pitch was so perfect (my pitch is very good, but I'm always
in awe of people who can sing an A-flat cold) I didn't even realize that
the theremin is "pitchy," as the young people say today.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Romain Kang <romain at kzsu.stanford.edu>

>  > The Thereminist was a woman, maybe in her early
> > sixties, very professional in her musicianship, very humble in
> > her explanations and demonstrations to the students.
> I wonder whether that was Clara Rockmore, who may have been the
> most accomplished theremin player of the 20th century?

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