[Magdalen] Ongoing existence (was Re: testing w/ a new ISP)

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 10 22:50:00 UTC 2014

On 10/12/2014 22:20, Brian Reid wrote:
> This suddenly becomes a serious topic.
> In whose name should "herberthouse.org" be registered to ensure that 
> it will keep working if one person dies.

I think this is the first time I have come out of the shadows as the 
person whose street address us the one for the registration of our 
domain name.  I have no objection to my current address (which is listed 
publicly) being the nominal street address foir the domain registration 
but, as Brian implies, there are strong reasons why it should be 
registered to a body that continues to exist when individuals who are 
members of it fall off this mortal coil.


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