[Magdalen] Clergy Fees.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 16:57:09 UTC 2014

And I think there is something that David has hinted at but not yet told us

On Sat, Dec 13, 2014 at 11:16 AM, Jo Craddock <jocraddock at gmail.com> wrote:
> In Louisiana, only ministers (ordination certificates registered with the
> clerk of court), judges, and justices of the peace are authorized to
> perform marriage ceremonies. Our priests do not set a fee for their
> services, but contributions to their discretionary funds are accepted; I've
> seen them from $25 to $500, and the occasional outlier of much more, but
> since it's written to the church, cynical-me wonders if those aren't
> inspired as tax-deductible church contributions rather than "clergy fees."
> (If the church is used, there are facility fees - some substantial, unless
> compared to the cost of the average bridesmaid gown or, <gasp> the
> reception!)
> Son Rory, now in his last year of law school, obtained his Universal Life
> minister credentials via mail order when some law school friends wanted to
> be wed outdoors without the haranguing of either family as to not using a
> church, or who would preside, and, as I understand, has officiated at more
> than a few others, since then. Last I heard, his fee is $50 plus mileage
> for such a basic ceremony as you describe.
> FWIW, YMMV, IANAL, etc., etc.
> Peace,
> Jo, who skims the list at least daily and hopes a New Year's resolution
> can be to harness work time to a more manageable level so she can, once
> again, sit amongst friends in the Pub instead of just popping her head in
> the door

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