[Magdalen] Help! Please reply personally

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Mon Dec 15 14:54:06 UTC 2014

You all know that I haven't been receiving email from Magdalen.  It has
broken my heart.  This morning, almost randomly, a mailbox called "forums"
opened up in my gmail window, and there were the magdalen emails (along
with some from other lists I'm a member of).  I tried to "re-label" them as
"Magdalen" posts, but they did not transfer to that mailbox for me.  And
now I can't find the "forums" box again.  I've looked everywhere I can
think of (not in the list of folders along the left side of my screen, or
anywhere else I can think of).  Can anyone help me with this?  This is the
biggest collection of gmail experts I know.  And since I seem to be
filtering Magdalen mail somewhere I can't find, could you edit the subject
line, taking out the [Mgdln] label and reply to me personally?  I'd love to
"find" my friends again.  Now do I find that "Forums" box again????


The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY
ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
blog:  www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com

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