[Magdalen] Religion Without God?

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Dec 27 23:33:21 UTC 2014

On 27/12/2014 23:24, Jay Weigel wrote:
> UUs at least *used* to believe in what the late Nelson Rockefeller referred
> to as BOMFOG....Brotherhood of Man, Fatherhood of God. Now I suspect many
> of them might be insulted if you suggested they believe in any sort of
> deity, although they might say they believe in The Universe, or some such
> concept. OTOH, many folks now proclaiming themselves as atheists are not
> atheists at all, but are anti-theists and as such, seem to be very angry
> and want to tell the whole world why. I find them awfully tiresome.

As do I.  They are also a small group, if they get 15 to a Bedford 
Humanists meeting once a month they are doing well.


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