[Magdalen] Conservatives Chafe Under Francis

Joseph Cirou romanos at mindspring.com
Fri Nov 7 15:26:44 UTC 2014

You don't become an anti-pope nearly 2 years after a conclave when you
become unpopular to some.

This pope does not abuse his power. He is the final authority in the RC
church; How you accept his charism of infallibility, rarely used, is
another point. This pope, conservative or liberal, is not about to give
very many "Roma Locuta Est's" It's not his style.

But the contrast between the deference given to Benedict XVI and Francis is
noteworthy.  I the think the analogy to Obama is apt. The political disease
has spread....


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:59 AM, Roy Murphy <roy.murphy at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Nov 3, 2014 9:06 PM, "ROGER STOKES" <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > What these traditionalists forget is that the Pope's power is
> unfettered.  Canon Law says he can do what he likes and that he has
> universal jurisdiction.  If he says "jump" the correct response is "how
> high?" not "why?" or "I don't want to".
> Ah, but not if he is a false " anti-pope". That phrase has been kicked
> around already.

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