[Magdalen] moving update

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 20:13:20 UTC 2014

Adding my prayers.....

On Saturday, November 8, 2014, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> John, I am delighted that you are able to move to a more appropriate
> place.  As regards the books, I dread to think what it would have been like
> downsizing if Joan had still been alive.  I have your attitude to most,
> keeping only those few with special memories that were gifts to me
> personally either at school or later.
> I think you are right to leave writing about your final journey until
> after your next move.  When you do so you may want to leave it with someone
> to be opened later, certainly rather than letting Dawn see it now.
> Roger
> On 08/11/2014 23:43, Jon Egger wrote:
>> Listmates,
>> We have been approved for an apartment, ground level, at
>> http://www.liveatwhisperinglake.com/
>> Needless to say, we are now
>> ​getting rid of stuff.  We move in on Dec 1, and will be having an estate
>> sale the first or second weekend of December.  The wife of our organist
>> does estate sales as her business, so we are lucky to have her helping us.
>> Parishioners have been helping too, in sometimes the most Grace filled
>> ways.  One of them gave Dawn an envelope last Sunday addressed to me and I
>> found 200usd in it, for which I am very grateful.
>> I will be happy to leave here as it has always had too many memories of
>> plaintiff attached to it.  In hindsight, I should have sold the house
>> after
>> the divorce.
>> I ask your prayers for both of us as we do this.  It will be nice living
>> in
>> the city and about a half-mile from Royals stadium, as well as being three
>> or so miles to Old Trinity.
>> I especially ask for prayers for Dawn.  She is having lots of trouble
>> letting go of her stuff.  Like books.  For me, stuff is just stuff, and
>> (other than my Bibles and theology related titles) I'm not concerned with
>> where it will end up.
>> On a health update, I am one stage away from non-alcoholic cirrhosis of
>> the
>> liver.  The liver biopsy showed that my liver is full of NCGs (sarcoid
>> granulomas) and fibrosis. ​
>> ​ This stunned me when I saw the specialist, but it is what it is.  I've
>> been reading lots of Bukowski and Dickinson lately, and my muse is telling
>> me to write about death and my feelings about it.  I know I must, but feel
>> like I should wait until after the move.​
>> ​I love you all!​
>> +++
>> Grace & peace,
>> jon

Marilyn Cepeda

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