[Magdalen] Wildlife ID, please

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Nov 16 18:21:31 UTC 2014

I have to submit how to distinguish a weasel from a stoat.  A weasel is 
weaselly distinguished as a stoat is stoatally different.


On 16/11/2014 12:45, Marion Thompson wrote:
> It was definitely an ermine, the winter coat .  A lovely little 
> creature that passed in a flash.  A life first for me.  I continue to 
> marvel at its diminutive beauty, so small.  It would take an awful lot 
> of these little beauties to make a ceremonial robe ....
> This huge tract of land, first expropriated from farmers in the early 
> 70's for and airport and supporting town and largely fallow since 
> then, was given to the developers in return fo, and to protect, some 
> already compromised land in a more urban area, will soon see the 
> subdivision houses of Seaton spring up like a blight. I hope I have 
> managed to sell and be somewhere else before it really gets going.  I 
> can't bear to see this lovely, if neglected, area pass away.  Most of 
> the original settlers houses have now been emptied of their tenants, a 
> chain across the drive telling the sad story..

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