[Magdalen] neat comparisons

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Oct 14 08:32:24 UTC 2014

On 14/10/2014 00:32, Lee Lemmon wrote:
> for me, there is simply no way to figure out the omnipresent (that would
> mean in all universes) so I take it on faith, in a manner not knowable to
> me, whereever there is an is, God is present, and equally present.
> Immediately the mind boggles, but Christianity as carefully taught we have
> insisted that God and Jesus are one and at the same time, Jesus is son of
> God and that Jesus is inside us and outside us and that somehow Jesus is
> one with us as being a human person.  None of it is logical and yet I know
> that these logical impossibilities are truly true.
> clearly incomprehensible, but still, somehow, true.

Think of an extra dimension, one we cannot move along as we can in out 
familiar three dimensions or even the quasi-dimension called time that 
is part of the space-time continuum.  If God is separated from us along 
that extra dimensional axis then God can be everywhere and nowhere.  The 
Incarnation is when God chose to become visibly present on our plane 
rather than entirely separated along that extra dimension.


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