[Magdalen] Prayer request - surgery tomorrow

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 14:10:28 UTC 2014

Gosh, Eleanor!  That's a shock for you -- and for me and the rest of 
us!  I will keep the prayer wheel turning for you for the next while for 
a 'good' and successful surgery and quick recovery.  What a blessing 
that Pam can be with you.

Nothing i s certain in this uncertain life, and all these events remind 
me to make more of my friends Now, not in the nebulous 'later' when I 
think I'll have more time.

Every blessing,
Marion, a pilgrim    ... today my sail I lift ....
On 10/16/2014 7:39 AM, Eleanor Braun wrote:
> The last six weeks have been quite an adventure.
> On Labor Day, some friends from Northern Virginia joined our household and
> our friends the Gibsons on a wonderful voyage to see where seals gather and
> prosper before they go out to the Atlantic to become lunch for the great
> whites.
> The next day, after our friends had left and I had run some errands, I
> started feeling bad, including nausea and abdominal pain.  By 8pm I was in
> the emergency room of Cape Cod Hospital, and the next day I had an
> emergency appendectomy.  (And yes there is such thing as an elective
> appendectomy -- Pam had one.)
> The appendectomy went fine.  The appendix had not ruptured, but it was
> "quite nasty," according to the surgeon.
> Among the nastiness he found were nodules he called "carcinomatosis,"
> representing either ovarian or peritoneal cancer.
> There have been CT scans and other tests, and I am now scheduled for
> surgery on Friday October 17.  I will be at Brigham & Women's Hospital in
> Boston, which is part of the medical complex with Dana Farber Cancer
> Institute, and which is a leading teaching hospital of Harvard Medical
> School.  My surgeon is one of the very top docs in gynecological cancers.
> So I go in with a lot of confidence.
> After recovery from surgery I will be going to Boston periodically for
> chemotherapy, and hope to have a successful outcome of all of that.  It
> will be rough for the next few months, but I have great support here.
> One of the best things is that my sister Pam is here, on a previously
> planned trip.  She went with me for the consult with the surgeon, and to my
> local oncologist.  She has very generously offered to stay with me through
> the surgery on Friday, so she will get the direct report from the surgeon
> while I'm still groggy.
> I would be most grateful for your prayers.
> Eleanor
> .

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