[Magdalen] hellooooooo

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 20:31:28 UTC 2014

I am here posting now and then. My time is spent with aging parent issues,
grandkids, etc.
😊 Marilyn.

On Saturday, October 18, 2014, cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

> For now, I am what you might call a "lurker" - somewhere between a
> more-than-full-time job and lower energy levels (combination of
> factors) it's hard to be as active as before.
> Actively praying & happy to hand out hugs. No cookies for me unless
> they have names (like "JSESSIONID" or WLCookieName) and are related to
> web sites, or gluten-free and dairy-free and largely grain-free, much
> like web sites.
> hugs anyway - Cady
> Just turned in 4 more hours today after a 50-hour week

Marilyn Cepeda

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