[Magdalen] West Country Protest 1549.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Wed Oct 22 14:43:58 UTC 2014

I had forgotten about this little blurb.
It just goes to show that the introduction of the First Prayer Book  of
Edward VI wasn't all smooth sailing.
Watch out for the wild, wild West!
<<<We  wyll haue the masse in Latten, as  was before. 

We  wyll haue the Sacrament hang Oller the hyeghe aulter, and  there to  be 
worshypped  as it was wount to be, and they whiche will not thereto  
consent, we 
wyll  haue them dye lyke heretykes against the Holy Catholyque fayth.  

We  wyll haue . . . images to be set vp again in euery church, and all   
auncient  olde Ceremonyes vsed heretofore, by our mother the holy Church.  

We  wyll not receyue the newe seruyce because it is but lyke a  Christmas  
game,  but we wyll haue oure old seruice of Mattens, masse, Euensong and  
procession  in Latten as it was before. 

-the  protest of the Men of the West country,   1549>>>

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