[Magdalen] Virginia listsibs

James Handsfield jhandsfield at icloud.com
Mon Oct 27 01:52:45 UTC 2014

Roger lives in Bedford, England. 

Jim Handsfield 
Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2014, at 9:50 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:
> What's in Bedford?
>> On Oct 26, 2014, at 8:59 PM, ROGER STOKES <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> That would be lovely.  The Quality Inn is at 5604 Seminole Avenue, Lynchburg.  I aim to get there about 6, before dark so I can see hotel names.  I intend to access the Smoky Mountain Parkway for a bit tomorrow, nodding to Anne's former parish in Asheville, then coming off at Ranoake or before.  Obviously I must also tip my cap to Bedford VA en route.
>> Roger
>> ________________________________
>> From: Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com>
>> To: "magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org> 
>> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2014 12:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Magdalen] Virginia listsibs
>> Roger, I had planned to catch up with you for dinner tomorrow evening in Lynchburg. Is that where the Quality Inn is?
>>> On Oct 25, 2014, at 9:41 PM, ROGER STOKES <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
>>> If anybody wants to make contact in person I will be staying at the Quality Inn on Seminole Avenue this coming Monday and then the Hampton Inn on Woodlake Drive Chesapeake Tuesday and Wednesday evenings before heading down to Wilmington NC. My schedule is quite flexible and I am mobile.
>>> Roger

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