[Magdalen] Shingles.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 12:27:16 UTC 2014

I have suffered a couple of rounds of ocular rosacea.  No fun. These 
things are well worth avoiding if at possible.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 10/30/2014 11:09 PM, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> Jay, I got my shingles shot at Walgreen's, and with Medicare it was very inexpensive. I think most insurance plans cover it now.
> I had shingles in my eye, and I don't want to take the chance of EVER getting them again! That was a scary time.
>> On Oct 30, 2014, at 10:51 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've had shingles and don't want them again, but the expense is holding me
>> back.
>> A good friend is just recovering from a lulu of a case, though, so I guess
>> I'm going to have to bite the bullet.
>>> On Thursday, October 30, 2014, Christopher Hart <cervus51 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I got my shingles vaccine at my pharmacy last year at the same time as my
>>> annual flu shot. Flu in one arm and zoster in the other. I had the
>>> chickenpox when I was 12 or 13, caught it from my father who had shingles
>>> so I've known about the connection since then.
>>> On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
>>> magdalen at herberthouse.org <javascript:;>> wrote:
>>>> I discovered the local Rite Aid Pharmacy was giving the  shingles/zoster
>>>> vaccination.  As with the flu shot, no appointment was necessary, and  I
>>>> presented myself and my insurance card this morning.  Good thing that  I
>>>> had
>>>> coverage, because I noticed that the real cost of the vaccination was
>>>> something
>>>> like $250.  I paid nothing.
>>>> The attendant at the desk presented me initially with a two page, fairly
>>>> detailed
>>>> health inventory before the injection.  It was completely in  Spanish.
>>>> Luckily,
>>>> I could read enough Spanish to complete the form without any comment.
>>>> Has it come to this, I thought, that one has to specially request an
>>>> English
>>>> form?
>>>> The nurse giving the injection came out of her office all embarrassed
>>>> because
>>>> of the mix-up.  I obviously do not look Hispanic!  In any case  the deed
>>>> was
>>>> done, and I went on my way, stopping on the way home at Dunkin Donuts
>>>> for a breakfast sandwich and their "gourmet" coffee.
>>>> I remember quite vividly developing the characteristic generalized rash
>>> of
>>>> chickenpox when I was a junior in high school.  It was in the middle  of
>>>> a periodic epidemic so that figuring out what was going on was not
>>>> difficult.
>>>> I think I stayed home a week, and the village health officials came by
>>> to
>>>> mount the contagion notice on our front door.  My younger brother had
>>>> chickenpox at the same time.
>>>> David Strang.
>>> --
>>> Christopher Hart
>>> List Mail Address: cervus51 at gmail.com <javascript:;>
>>> Personal Mail: cervus at veritasliberat.net <javascript:;>
>>> Twitter: @cervus51

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