[Magdalen] The Deen controversy

Molly Wolf lupa at kos.net
Wed Sep 24 11:03:08 PDT 2014

I'm with you, Don.  It was decades before I realized that that "PK" sign also had something to do with my being an abject wallflower.  Mind you, I was also very bright and more than a little weird.

My mother would have skinned me for bad language, including the "n" word.  We were good integrationist liberals long before the '60s.


The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way. -- Mark Twain

> On Sep 24, 2014, at 1:53 PM, "Don Boyd" <thedonboyd at austin.rr.com> wrote:
> There were plenty of words never-to-be-uttered in the Methodist parsonages where I grew up, and to tell the truth I rarely heard them elsewhere, since the taboo against cussing in front of the preacher apparently extended to preachers' kids as well.  (In small-town West Texas, I might as well have had a scarlet "PK" placard hanging from my neck, so well was my status known.  I later learned that many PKs were famously hell raisers but they must not have been as afraid of upsetting their parents as I was.)
> During my freshman year in college I heard the following joke:
>   "Do you know how you can tell if you're in an area of racial tension?"
>   "No.  How?"
>   "They call redbugs* Cheegroes."
> Hahaha.  (NB, in West Texas at least chiggers were often called redbugs. Can't say for the rest of the country.) 

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