[Magdalen] Back to school today (+).

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 14:07:05 PDT 2014

Having raised one special needs teenager, I can remind you that they are
STILL teenagers with the usual teenaged pain-in-the-assishness that needs
to be dealt with. "Special treatment" is not always necessary.

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:55 PM, M J [Mike] Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com>

> Indeed, Jay.  In fact, if he gets in the car with anything akin to a
> cheerful countenance, I'll know his teacher got through to him (about the
> unacceptability of the behavior), and that my prediction that 5th period
> French would perk him up was solid.
> If he gets in the car with a "perplexed discomposition" and "riddling
> distemper", I'll know a wee talking to is in order.
> The difficulty, for me anyway, is the blend between special needs and mere
> teenageness.  The former needs special treatment, and the latter just needs
> to be chewed up and spat out by the system like it did all of us at that
> age on the path to teenage enlightenment.
> _________________________________________
> "O perplexed discomposition, O riddling
> distemper, O miserable condition of man!"
> - The Rev Mr John Donne
> (in a not-so-chipper moment)

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