[Magdalen] GTS

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Mon Sep 29 15:35:03 PDT 2014

On 29/09/2014 20:55, Eleanor Braun wrote:
> Andrew Gerns' post in Daily Episcopalian may explain some of it:
> http://www.episcopalcafe.com/daily/seminaries/leadership_community_and_the_c.php

My quick response to that is to wonder to what extent the Dean and 
President's style is preparing students for effective ministry out there 
in the Church.  I am one who has had conflict in my ministry as I have 
sought to lead when my leadership has been opposed.  In my case my 
vision has been vindicated in each parish I have served, but there have 
been bloody battles on the way.

I am far from convinced that the Dean drawing all power to himself is a 
wise strategy.  It certainly seems far from what I see as the 
appropriate model for the Church today.  Only this evening I was talking 
with my Rural Dean about another parish where the priest seems to be 
following that model and I am to go in and discuss the situation with 
the wardens.  That could be an "interesting" conversation but I will not 
flinch from it as I have nothing to lose and no need for any ongoing 
relationship with them.

That said, a healthy Church, parish or seminary is one where the gifts 
of all members are valued and no individual is the dictator.


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