[Magdalen] Federal appeal ruling in favor of SC Bp vonRosenbert

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 2 12:34:44 UTC 2015

On 02/04/2015 11:12, Revd Martin Dale via Magdalen wrote:
> Ginga
> How much more money are TEC and the Diocese of South Carolina going to
> waste rather than use it to get on with mission.
> If + von Rosenberg was one of the "good guys" he would draw a line and
> settle this nonsense. If he is the best TEC has - well that says it all
> Blessings
> Martin


I have an advantage over many here that I know you personally so I will 
posit a situation to you.  Suppose you decided that the Church of 
England had strayed so far from Biblical truth that it was apostate and 
you could no longer remain part of it.  You go to your Church Council 
and persuade them that your parish needs to align itself with the Gree 
Church of England http://www.fcofe.org.uk/

Their bishop welcomes you and your congregation and says you should stay 
living in your Vicarage and using the existing churches of your 
benefice, presenting yourself to others as the rightful Vicar of East 
Marshland.  What would you expect the Bishop of Ely to do in that 
situation, which is a pretty close (albeit on a smaller scale) parallel 
to what has happened in South Carolina?  I would expect him to demand 
you vacate the premises.

Thinking back to your earlier career as a patent lawyer would you 
seriously have advised a firm that it was OK to market a product which 
used a patented process owned by another company and basically looked 
the same as their product?  The root of the case that has given rise to 
this thread is the equivalent of someone who managed a division of a 
company unilaterally forming it into a separate company while 
maintaining the familiar trademarks.  I think you would agree that is 
misrepresentation and should be challenged. Were TEC in its various 
forms not to do anything then surely that would be a breach of their 
responsibility as trustees of their brand.


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