[Magdalen] End of an Era.

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 19:32:18 UTC 2015

Great story Heather - that's why we need new people, and just such as you 
and I, who come in the door asking questions of one stripe or another... 
I've always loved what someone said to me once about our church, and I tell 
others when they ask me a bit about our denomination: We're the church (big 
C) that doesn’t' ask you to leave your brain at the door.

Inquiring minds have ever effected change  - it has always been and 
hopefully always be so.


My email has changed to: houstonKLR at gmail.com

website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck

From: "H Angus" <hangus at ctcn.net>
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 12:45 PM
To: <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] End of an Era.

> From: Ann Markle
>>It says pretty clearly in the BCP that HE is to be the main Sunday
> service.
> From Jim G
>>Is that why it starts on Page 355?
> I remember when I first came into the Episcopal Church. It had been so 
> long since a new person came in (I guess) that the bulletins had no BCP 
> page numbers to indicate to this bewildered stranger exactly where  all 
> these words were coming from that I was supposed to be saying. I asked an 
> Episcopal friend at work where in the world the service was to be found in 
> that red book, and she said, "You start on 355." "OF COURSE!" I 
> semi-shouted. "NATURALLY! How could I be so stupid?! It simply stands to 
> reason that when you begin a printed church service, you start on Page 
> 355!"
> I learned to love the BCP, and my now-fellow church member started 
> printing page numbers in the bulletins.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Guthrie" <jguthrie at pipeline.com>
> To: magdalen at herberthouse.org
> Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 12:39:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [Magdalen] End of an Era.
> From: Ann Markle
>>It says pretty clearly in the BCP that HE is to be the main Sunday
> Is that why it starts on Page 355?
> service.  Therefore MP is unrubrical and not in compliance with the DDW of
> And MP is the First Rite in the BCP? First things first, I think.
>>TEC.  Bishops are usually pretty forgiving of small parishes who do this 
>>rare occasion because they can't afford supply clergy - but the policy of
>>the church is clear since the 1979 BCP.  One more reason people were
>>infuriated by "the new prayer book."
> Who agreed to impose the policy? Not General Convention, certainly.
> Individual Bishops did so -- often in not too pastoral a manner, I must 
> add.
> The BCP's first paragraph says the Eucharist is the Principal ac of 
> Christian
> Worship on the Lord's Day-- and most parishes have always observed that as 
> the
> first service of the day as principal service. and that Daily Morning and
> Evening Prayer are the regular services appointed for public worship.
> If you're to take that paragraph at face value as **requiring** the 
> Eucharist,
> then it would seem incumbent upon any TEC cleric to  make sure there's MP 
> and EP
> as public worship daily as well.
> Coincidence is not Causation, but the steep decline in TEC membership 
> seems to
> coincide with the demise of MP as Principal Service..
> Cheers,
> Jim Guthrie

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