[Magdalen] Prayers required ...
Roger Stokes
roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 4 09:01:53 UTC 2015
On 04/04/2015 03:06, Marion Thompson wrote:
> That would totally be my worst nightmare! My 76 yr old memory isn't
> in any way fit for extemporaneous. Prayers ascending for Jessica;
> that she may find her words, both literally and figuratively!
There is the tale of the visiting minister who was preaching morning and
evening in the same church. When he got there in the morning he
realised he had left his sermon back where he was staying. When he got
in the pulpit he told of his predicament and said "I will have to preach
as the Spirit gives me utterance, but this evening I hope to do better." :-)
> On 4/3/2015 9:37 PM, Susan Hutchinson wrote:
>> Dear ones,
>> Jessica, the rector at my local parish, needs a few extra prayers.
>> Her laptop and laptop bag went missing yesterday -- with all the
>> electronic and paper copies of her sermons for the Triduum. This is
>> not her first go round the merry-go-round, so she will manage. As I
>> reassured her, she has already done all the work, she might even do
>> better to preach extemporanously. Without a doubt she does need the
>> assistance of the Holy Spirit over the next few days. Thank you all
>> and have a beautiful three days.
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