[Magdalen] Church as Personality Robert Schuller RIP

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 19:44:12 UTC 2015

The pulpit at Trinity, Copley Square, is also positioned in such a way that
no part of the church is at a great distance from it, despite the
rather large size of the building. My grandfather, who was rector of
Trinity in the early 1940's, used to say that it was a great place to

On Saturday, April 4, 2015, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not much of a liturgy at Trinity, even today. Back then it was
> hardly distinguishable from a Congregational service: two or
> three lessons and a loooooong sermon. No procession, no
> candles.
> There's an ongoing joke about Trinity's pulpit, which is about the
> size of a Mississippi steamboat. Brooks was an enormous man,
> and the pulpit was designed for his size. Everyone else looks
> miniscule up there.
> The hawk's shadow is on the lawn, not a squirrel to be seen.
> -M
> On Saturday, April 4, 2015, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Phillips Brooks still had the liturgy to back him up, even if it was very
> > low church. But in churches where there is no liturgy and the sermon is
> the
> > central focus, the preacher is the "star", if you will, and this can be
> > very dangerous to a person's ego. It leads to idolatrous worship of the
> > preacher, IMNSHO, and often to the establishment, or attempted
> > establishment, of dynastic megachurches which often fail due to the
> > incompetence or outright wrongdoing on the part of the heirs.
> >
> >


Christopher Hart

List Mail Address: cervus51 at gmail.com
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