[Magdalen] Church as Personality Robert Schuller RIP

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 4 21:54:33 UTC 2015

On 04/04/2015 19:38, Revd Martin Dale via Magdalen wrote:
> May I offer a thought.
> On the other side of the coin, where preaching is not central, the danger
> is that the liturgy becomes "God" and folk worship say the BCP. I was once
> pestered by some folk in Dymchurch to have a BCP Holy Communion and I said
> fine  - once you tell me what "propitiation" means. Surprise, surprise none
> of the  congregation could tell me what it meant!

I wouldn't have asked them that question.  I would have simply agreed 
and included a homily from the Nook of Homilies or a sermon of similar 
length (say an hour) followed by the exhortation about the intention to 
celebrate the Holy Communion the following Sunday with its warning 
against receiving the communion unworthily.  A number of Sentences would 
be required for the offertory to be taken up. Next there is the Third 
Exhortation about examining our consciences for risk of eating and 
drinking condemnation to ourselves.  After the administration of 
communion the Lord's Prayer is to be repeated phrase by phrase by the 
congregation after the priest.

If you have a similar request in East Marshland I will check when I can 
come over and preside at such a celebration.  The congregation would 
welcome your approach with open arms after that.  Of course there would 
only be time for one celebration, no chance of charging off to another 
church in the Benefice :-)


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