[Magdalen] Two to go

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 18:42:54 UTC 2015

The other week when I happened to be subdeacon, our interim asked me to 
set the table slowly because the hymn being sung was one of his great 
favourites and he wanted to be able to enjoy the opportunity to sing 
it.  I understand that.  So many of my fave's are communion hymns and I 
rarely have a chance to just sing.  Not complaining, just saying. :-)

Marion, a pilgrim

On 4/4/2015 7:03 PM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> As a priest operating solo I appreciate the time setting and clearing 
> the table because the ritual lets me worship through it rather than 
> always being on show.  If I had a seminarian, or someone like Marion, 
> I think I would appreciate the collegiality of having someone taking a 
> distictive role in leading the worship.
> Roger, who was ordained according to the 1662 rite and whose first 
> diaconal role was proclaiming the Gospel at the service when I was 
> made deacon.

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