[Magdalen] Catching Up Today

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Thu Apr 9 23:28:30 UTC 2015

Catching up on email today -- I think the open WiFi at the Hilton in NYC may 
have helped me acquire a virus that prevented Windows from starting after Sunday 
night -- even in Safe Mode. I had to use a HIREN disk to move files since April 
2 (my last backup) before doing a full restore. Everything seems to be okay 

I am today very happy that I keep a weekly system backup (I run it overnight 
once a week).

If you don’t keep a backup regularly, I strongly recommend getting into the 
habit. I recently read of a woman who lost months of work to ransomware that 
suddenly popped up on her machine and demanded payments to unlock her machine. 
She hadn’t backed up in six months.  I know people who have years of family 
photos and other irreplaceable stuff on their PC -- without a backup.



"The enemy isn’t liberalism;
the enemy isn’t conservatism.
The enemy, is baloney." - Lars Erik Nelson 

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