[Magdalen] How do you buy a stove?

Jo Craddock jocraddock at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 20:56:13 UTC 2015

I imagine, having visited Lynn, her propane tank is one of those 
portables attached to a BBQ grill, not a household tank. Tho', our 
propane BBQ grill does have one cook top-style burner on the side. It 
saw a lot of use in the weeks after Gustav when we had no electricity. I 
wish we had run gas to the kitchen when we remodeled. I've never cooked 
regularly on it, so shunned the idea, then, but regret it, now.

Catching up on prayers and jokes (I've been looking for a punch line 
response to this subject line), having been out of town on a 
genealogical quest that turned up only negatives, including eliminating 
one connection I thought would be Rodger's elusive great-grandmother 
whose maiden name has been lost through the years.


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