[Magdalen] Asian?

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 20:14:42 UTC 2015

Well, Roger, when you start looking at our DNA, we pretty much are all
"Mixed Race".......even those of us who, like me, are pretty sure we are
all "white bread" North European!

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 4:09 PM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
> wrote:

> On 10/08/2015 19:47, Mahoney, W. Michael wrote:
>> The Bureau of Census and other government agencies have been struggling
>> with race/ethnic classification issues for years.  It is one thing for a
>> "scientist" or a group of scientists to establish a taxonomy.  It is
>> another thing to ask people where in that taxonomy they fit.  And
>> remember that Census data are typically "self-reported".
> Quite, if you divide the categories too much then everybody would end up
> "mixed race".  Wasn't there a conservative politician whose DNA showed a
> significant proportion of African-American ancestry while Michelle Obama's
> DNA shows some Caucasian influence?
> This side of the pond "White British" is sometiwmes distinguished from
> "White Irish", partly because the way the Irish have been treated in the
> past but there are genetic differences which can have dermatological
> effects (increased sensitivity to the sun).for some of Irish ancestry.  How
> would you describe Joan's cousin whose father is White Irish while her
> mother is of Sephardic Jewish ancestry, with a medical condition that is
> related to that?
> Roger

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