[Magdalen] Cold caps in chemotherapy

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Thu Aug 20 00:37:33 UTC 2015

>I remember one thing about my sister-in-law's bout with liver cancer was
>that she wore the packet that kept a slow dose of the meds going into her
>on a more or less constant basis, and she did not lose her hair.

I get a bottle attached to my Mediport with each treatment. Albert  administers 
a syringe of saline and a syringe of Heparin and then  removes it when it's 
empty, about three days later.

My hair has become very soft and doesn’t grow very much, Except for an 
occasional snip by Albert when I seem to get the Dagwood Bum stead look on the 
sides, I haven’t been to a barber in 13 months.


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