[Magdalen] Oy! My knee.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 21:31:14 UTC 2015

No, I'm sure it's not, although in the wee small hours I was thinking 
black thoughts about after all the effort to finally come to rest here 
not being allowed to enjoy life after all.  That has passed with 
mobility, thanks.   I'm not really well placed for medical care at the 
moment.   My OHIP is updated to Port Hope, but so long as I can limp 
around I don't have time at the moment to pursue physio or whatever in a 
strange setting.

So many details that soak up time!  I look to the day when I can get 
down to the lake and have a proper look around. :-)

Marion, a pilgrim

On 8/20/2015 4:55 PM, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> Marion, praying your knee is not badly injured.
> Ginga
> On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> This has happened to me but pain is just momentary and not quite
>> excruciating. I think it is a tendon in my case. I'm usually getting up
>> from the floor or from squatting down where my knee(s) ha been completely
>> bent then while in the process of straightening POP! It snaps on the side.
>> Commiserating on knee and congrats on the unpacking!
>> Lynn
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 20, 2015, at 11:41 AM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I've been really busy/active with house things one way and another. On
>> Tuesday afternoon, my new shed was erected.  Yesterday I put the items
>> under the tarpaulin mountain away and reclaimed the Lower Deck ( as opposed
>> to  the very large Upper Deck off the second floor) as a nice seating
>> area.  Happy day!  The last few days my knee was bothering me some with
>> what I attributed to the familiar I.T. band tightness of before.  Got up in
>> the night and CRACK, the pain was excrutiating and I was totally crippled.
>> It seems to involve the muscle up the outer side of the knee.
>> It seems to be easing now, and it better had, for I don't have time for
>> this sort of thing.   Almost like something had got caught on the wrong
>> side of something.
>> We soldier on.  Considering what others endure, 't'is but a flesh wound.
>> Marion, a pilgrim

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