[Magdalen] Update 5

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Aug 28 22:59:44 UTC 2015

On 28/08/2015 22:59, P. Dan Brittain wrote:
> The surgical wound appears to finally be healing, some small seepage but
> getting less.
> This afternoon, I got a call from the skin cancer center that the culture
> they took a little earlier shows I have picked up a MRSA. Have been
> switched on antibiotics now.

I would guess (with no medical training) that the MRSA may have been at 
least partially responsible for the would seepage.  You indicated 
earlier that there was some nerve involvement so the combination of that 
and MRSA would not help.  Glad that the wound seems to be healing at 
last and prayers that the change of antibiotics deals with the infection 


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