[Magdalen] A useful approach to the Bible

Allan Carr allanc25 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 29 20:03:20 UTC 2015

I asked my wife's son in law, a retired PhD in molecular biology and very
active in his Episcopal church's missions and in his own missions, what he
believed about God. He firmly replied that he was an atheisf. I wouldn't
state it that firmly since I have some distaste for people like Dawkins,
but I can't deny it.

I don'tknow how many of us in the Epicopal Church are atheist or agnostics,
but I think there are a fair number..

I think it's arrogant to put down someone else here as being arrogant or
acting arrogantly. But maybe it's a priestly prerogative.

On Saturday, August 29, 2015, Sibyl Smirl <polycarpa3 at ckt.net> wrote:

> On 8/29/15 8:16 AM, Ann Markle wrote:
>> I find it arrogant when someone assumes THEY are the one to decide (for
>> everyone) what should be retained, what should be discarded or dismissed
>> from scripture

Allan Carr

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