[Magdalen] My County responds.

M J _Mike_ Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Fri Dec 4 05:22:15 UTC 2015

>>>And exactly what did the Democrats expect to accomplish by adding gun
control amendments to legislation that would repeal Obamacare, i.e.,
legislation that, even if it passed, Obama would veto?<<<

Very good question.  Easily answered.  It's all about the Starting Point.  The Starting Point of this was Republicans wasting time and taxpayer money passing leglislation they KNEW would NOT become law.  Since such an assinine thing was out there, where's the harm of tacking something positive onto it, so the record would show that at least some in Congress care about things that really matter (remembering that the majority of Americans actually want tougher gun controls)?

The answer is, Don't pass bills that are guaranteed to fail.  How many times have Republicans in Congress voted to repeal the law of the land in the form of the Affordable Care Act?  Slow learners, I'd say.

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