[Magdalen] Exorcism

James Oppenheimer-Crawford oppenheimerjw at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 21:59:50 UTC 2015

I think the book you might be thinking of, in case someone wants to look
further, is entitled _People of the Lie_. In it, Dr. Peck discusses a
number of specific cases he encountered which convinced him that evil is a
real entity, and there are a subset of people out there who are unabashedly
evil persons.

I do not get the impression that he exaggerates, which makes the whole
thing very problematic. The guy is no nut case, that's for sure. Very
insightful in many respects.

James W. Oppenheimer-Crawford
*“A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved,
except in memory. LLAP**”  -- *Leonard Nimoy

On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 2:12 PM, Sibyl Smirl <polycarpa3 at ckt.net> wrote:

> Yes, I do believe in The Devil and in his lesser devils, and that they can
> possess people.  The main reason that I give for that is that Our Lord
> obviously believed, and much more consistently in the Gospels than could be
> accounted for by medieval and ancient insertions.
> Have you ever read any of M. Scott Peck's books?  I read several of them
> more than twenty years ago, when I was getting involved in The Episcopal
> Church, and immersed myself in everything I could find about it.  At least
> one, I think more than one, had a very chilling section on Exorcism.  He is
> a Psychiatrist, an MD, and well-trained in the basic discipline and
> viewpoint, but his viewpoint is much wider than that, and spiritual.  You
> can find his books listed on Amazon.com.  Unfortunately, I can't remember
> which had the most coverage of Exorcism.  It would have been of those
> published before about 1995.
> On 12/8/15 8:18 AM, Ian Gomersall wrote:
>> I wonder what people's views are on evil as an entity - and so also on
>> exorcism.
>> We're running an occasional series on Big Questions at our church and
>> Exorcism is the current one.
>> Have a look at:
>>   https://stchrysostoms.wordpress.com/2015/12/06/exorcism-a-big-question/
>> <https://stchrysostoms.wordpress.com/2015/12/06/exorcism-a-big-question/>
>> When I think of some of the evil things that groups of people have done /
>> do, I can't help but think the whole is greater than the sum of the parts
> --
> Sibyl Smirl
> I will take no bull from your house!  Psalms 50:9a
> mailto:polycarpa3 at ckt.net

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