[Magdalen] Parish in crisis, was Re: Some Christmas music

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 17 23:01:14 UTC 2015

On 17/12/2015 22:15, Scott Knitter wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Lynn Ronkainen <houstonklr at gmail.com> wrote:
>> There was a very dysfunctional situation in my dio about 30 years ago and it
>> turns out that is what was done (outside of the vestry or usual channels)
>> and it had a positive outcome.  And we are a very by-the-book diocese so
>> this was risky behavior on the part of that small band, but I've met some of
>> them and they said it was the best thing they every did. No whining, but
>> genuine truth telling and laying it all out.  Even then things did not move
>> fast but they began the process.
> A very good idea; I've had some similar thoughts but tend not to want
> to be a ringleader. I may try to lead a ring by checking with others
> who might be willing. Thank you!

If one person feels like this then there will almost certainly be 
kindred spirits out there.  All it takes is for one person to initiate 
contact between them to get a viable action group to argue for episcopal 
intervention.  Just be prepared to call the bishop on his responsibility 
as chief pastor of the diocese and the effect the malcontents are 
having.  A formal Visitation with proper investigation my be what's 


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