[Magdalen] Odd Christmas Thought

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Dec 26 01:48:23 UTC 2015

Or we are all star dust.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 12/25/2015 8:35 PM, Jim Guthrie wrote:
> From: Bob Rea
>> As I was breathing meditatively last night it occurred to me that the 
>> air is
>> just molecules and that most of these are never altered and remain 
>> for ages
>> and ages and circulate and mix everywhere. Each breath we take may 
>> have a few
>> of those in Jesus' squalling first breath.
> As a professor of mine once remarked, very glass of water has 
> molecules that a Pharaoh pissed into the Nile.
> Cheers,
> Jim

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