[Magdalen] Prayers requested, for a friend.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 14:46:05 UTC 2015

prayers for your friend, Mike -- and for you.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 2/3/2015 12:06 AM, M J [Mike] Logsdon wrote:
> For those keeping score, yes, it's "that" friend.  :-)=
> Due to a variety of recent triggers, she has begun the process of placing herself under a psychiatrist's care, with the hope of a few months of state disability so as to heal without the need to work.  (Work is central to her problem right now.)  She has made so much independent progress in regards to her grieving over her recently passed fiance, that professional help at this point can only help.
> Thanks in advance, and obviously, more to come.
> .

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