[Magdalen] Bishop Cook: Another unfortunate piece of the story

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Wed Feb 4 18:46:10 UTC 2015

michaudme at gmail.com writes:

>When I  was working, it was understood that anyone who drank and
>then had contact  with a patient was summarily dismissed. Boom!>>>

Reasonable. There are many fields where this is the case -- the old Rule G on 
the railroads, for example. large trucking companies, and of course airlines all 
have similar rules.

Professionals dealing in public health and safety generally follow the rules, 
and if something has come up like a social gathering, they mark off their shift. 
Of course, that mark-off is often a union rule, so management and labor are 
pretty well united on such.

Jim Guthrie 

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