[Magdalen] Good News.

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Fri Feb 6 16:13:59 UTC 2015

I've had intermittent gross hematuria for several months, accomanied
by some low pelvic discomfort.
All the fancy tests - MRI, etc., were all negative.
After a period of sefl-diagnosis, I finally decided to bite the  bullet.  
was that dreaded day.  I can't say that cystoscopy (looking at the  urethra
and the bladder) is fun, but OTOH, it is interesting to be awake and to  see
these organs in living color.
TBTG, the study was negative, which means I just have some  predictable
prostatitis - par for an old man.
Usually when I get such news, I quietly say the Gloria in Latin to  myself,
but, without thinking about it, I found myself instead saying the  
Gloria as in the '28 BCP.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
David Strang

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