[Magdalen] Please help me understand

M J [Mike] Logsdon mjl at ix.netcom.com
Tue Feb 10 01:36:08 UTC 2015

>>>But the law will be settled, I do hope.<<<

Me too.  But if settled in the right direction, there's still the fear that it will eventually go the route abortion went and get nickeled and dimed on the State level later on.  However, this hasn't been originating like abortion did.  This has begun on a State level, and only now landing in the Supremes' collective lap, rather than the other way round.  And it was Bader Ginsburg who recently said that she thinks abortion wouldn't be under the attack it is today if it had been given the time necessary (unfortunately, it would have been a long time, no doubt) to wend its way around the states like marriage equality has.  So, if the Supremes rule in favor of all the decent same-sex folk who've been getting married in all 37 states plus DC for the past whatever, it will be essentially the reverse of how abortion went, and most likely safer in the long run.

Look at me:  talkin' like I know what I'm talkin' about.

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