[Magdalen] nothing went right

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 12 00:22:52 UTC 2015

On 12/02/2015 00:05, Lynn Ronkainen wrote:
> Yikes!... I can't figure out why the person on the dock watched the 
> boat heading toward them and did/said nothing!

That is when you need somebody on the bank to say something short 
authoritatively.  If they can identify the rowing club then so much the 
better.  Basically the event was poorly monitored.  Renee was right - 
the crews had not been coached properly but even so competent officials 
on the bank would have mitigated the situation.

Roger, who is going to be in the open for hours on end on Sunday 
officiating at some rowing.

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