[Magdalen] Brrrrr...

Robert Rea gapetard at stsams.org
Mon Feb 16 17:42:01 UTC 2015

On Monday, February 16, 2015 11:52:26 AM Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> LOL!!!
> I've never tried to bathe a cat, and I never intend to!

Not only tried but succeeded. Poor Ebeneezer tipped or had tipped on him a 
small wok of cold cooking oil, used and oloriferous. He fought only briefly 
and then surrendered to two sessions of Head and Shoulders and two thorough 
rinsings, followed by being dried well. Ever after he smelled of the used oil.

Bob Rea
mailto:gapetard at stsams.org

What do you say to Jesus when he comes again?
Where have you been? You said you were coming right back.

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