[Magdalen] Continuing prayers for Keith and for me

Lesley de Voil lesleymdv at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 11:31:16 UTC 2015

Dear Sally, Prayers indeed for both you and Keith, and of course for
the boys as well, who must know something´s up.
Lesley de Voil

On 2/20/15, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
> Prayers indeed that you might experience Christ's peace while all around
> is being buffeted.
> Roger
> On 20/02/2015 09:23, Sally Davies wrote:
>> Oh dear...this week has been a roller coaster, and now it's heading down
>> faster than I can handle.
>> It seems that the radiologist who did Keith's biopsy on Monday
>> "definitely
>> missed" which leaves us back at Square One. I met his physician this
>> morning on the ward and he pulled me aside to tell me this...which was
>> the
>> end of my working day. I can't handle seeing another hospital patient
>> even
>> if he or she is improving!!
>> My sister shares this opinion and already asked for more tests, another
>> blood test for something or others, and a 24 hour urine collection for
>> serotonin - since if these are tumours they're probably
>> carcinoid/neuro-endocrine tumours. So he's in the middle of that and will
>> go back for the bloods later on.
>> If the test is positive we more or less have the diagnosis, at least six
>> malignant growths in his liver and who knows where else. If negative,
>> it's
>> still not good because another biopsy will have to be done. The lesion
>> they
>> went for is large and close to the surface, but it's tricky - you have to
>> hold your breath and keep still because our livers are attached to our
>> diaphragms and move along with the breathing.
>> Keith is going to Cape Town next week so the plan, if it can be arranged,
>> is for him to see a specialist there instead of going around the loop
>> again
>> in this provincial neck of the woods.
>> I'm officially a nervous wreck!! Don't even want to go back to church
>> after
>> last week's reading - Elisha's sorry and "Don't speak of it". I wish we
>> didn't have to speak of it, but we must.
>> Thank you for your prayers, they mean a great deal to me.

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