[Magdalen] kitty prayers

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 19:56:00 UTC 2015

She just texted me a picture of their new orange striped boy, 3 months old,
who she says has a very loud purr and is very affectionate. HIs "birth
name" was Beethoven but they will probably not keep it.

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:43 PM, Ginga Wilder <gingawilder at gmail.com> wrote:

> I hope they find a really good kitty who will bless them for years.  I love
> kitties, even our ornery Miss Kitty, who loves John but not me.
> Ginga
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:39 PM, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My daughter's much-loved cat, Leonidas, went missing while they were
> moving
> > out of their Knoxville house and has never been found. They all miss
> having
> > a cat, and now that they are living in their (my) house in Morristown,
> TN,
> > and have it fixed up, they've decided it's time for another one. She
> texted
> > me earlier to tell me they were on their way to the shelter to look at
> > possible candidates.
> >
> > Our beloved kitty Jack, an orange and white shorthair, lived in that
> house
> > for almost 10 years and is buried at the corner of the house, under a
> bush
> > where he liked to nap. Betsy told me that the week they moved in, an
> orange
> > and white cat who looked eerily like Jack came into the yard and walked
> all
> > around the house, inspecting it front and back, and checked out the back
> > yard, then disappeared seemingly into thin air. They've never seen it
> since
> > and she swears it must have been Jack's ghost. Stranger things have
> > happened, I suppose.
> >
> > I hope they find a suitable kitty for their family. I even suggested they
> > ask kitty Jack for some assistance!
> >

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