[Magdalen] Continuing prayers for Keith and for me

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 20:29:53 UTC 2015

Prayers continue to rise for you and for Keith as the anxiety of 
not-knowing continues.

Marion, a pilgrim
On 2/21/2015 1:36 AM, sally.davies at gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks, all...I can feel the prayer support and it makes a difference as I
> shift into a new and perhaps longer term coping pattern.
> David...thanks for asking. We don't know for 100% certain that it was a
> miss but the surgeon (my sister Linda) and the physician both think it
> likely - he says he has seen it a number of times with local biopsies. The
> target wasn't small and they had an Ultrasound guide but it's difficult for
> the patient to remain completely still and breath holding given that it
> hurts like heck. These lesions, all seven of them, have a vigorous blood
> supply and that's not supposed to happen with fatty lumps.
> Linda's not feeling particularly swayed in any diagnostic direction at the
> moment though she's wondering if a different biopsy technique would be
> better. At present we wait for the 24 hour Urine and the blood test for
> tumour markers, both of which went to pathology yesterday.
> If a further biopsy is needed Keith may head to Cape Town where there's a
> top notch private hepatic surgeon (who's treating the father of one of
> Keith's training colleagues) and a world class Academic department at
> Groote Schuur Hospital. Keith is in Cape Town next week anyway, for work,
> he just needs to get an appointment somehow.
> Sally D
> On Sat, 21 Feb 2015 at 03:48 Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> Sally,
>> I've been praying and will continue to do so.
>> Just one question:  You mentioned a radiologist missed on the  biopsy.....?
>> Or did I misread that?
>> David Strang.

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