[Magdalen] Life's challenges

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Feb 26 15:55:55 UTC 2015

So, yesterday Jim and I signed the deal with the real estate agent. This 
house will go on the market on May 8th.

i am gutted by the task ahead of me.  It is MY things which must be 
packed up and/or got rid of, who must live in the chaos of painting and 
everything else that will follow. For instance, I have to 
completelyempty the upstairs room, which contains two sofas, 14 
bookcases (there are more downstairs!), my theological library and more, 
lots more, as well as my little chapel corner.  You can put the CDs and 
tapes in boxes.  What do I do with the ghetto blaster on which I played 
them?  Toss it!  She said.

I really am not ready for this and will surely need prayers for strength 
and fortitude.

Marion, a weeping pilgrim

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