[Magdalen] Kaddish [was Re: RIP Leonard Nimoy

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Sat Feb 28 17:10:48 UTC 2015

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Scott Knitter <scottknitter at gmail.com> wrote:
> I also like the streams and videos from Central Synagogue in
> NYC...their music is of a more pop/contempo style but very
> professionally done. I bought and downloaded their CD, Sounds of
> Shabbat

Speaking of Central Synagogue, I never tire of this YouTube video from
Shabbat Shirah (Sabbath of Song), on which the Torah portion to be
read was the Song of the Sea, which we know as the Song of Moses, or
Canticle 8 (in BCP 1979). This is one occasion when the congregation
stands for the Torah reading, and in this clip, a rabbi chants the
text after showing how it is uniquely written on the scroll, to
symbolize the "bricks" in the "walls" of water between which the
people of Israel walked "with unmoistened foot." The people join in
when she gets to "Mi Chamocha," which they know as a standard part of
the Shabbat service: "Who can be compared with you, O Lord, among the

This clip often brings me to tears...


Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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