[Magdalen] Church layouts, was Re: Religion Without God

Robert Rea gapetard at stsams.org
Fri Jan 2 21:29:35 UTC 2015

On Friday, January 02, 2015 03:06:54 PM Jon Egger wrote:
> As I've mentioned before, I love risen Christ crucifixii (crucifixes?)
> simply because, yes, Christ died for us...but more importantly he rose for
> us.  Every Sunday is a celebration of Christ's resurrection, and we very
> much are an Easter people.

This is a Christ the High Priest crucifix at Trinity Episcopal in St Louis, my 
old parish there. Not Christ the King.

It was made in the 30s sometime. the design by by Charles Eames. It was 
executed by a sculptor named Victor Berlendis. And old parishioner said of it, 
"Well young Charley needed work."

Bob Rea
mailto:gapetard at stsams.org

What do you say to Jesus when he comes again?
Where have you been? You said you were coming right back.

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