[Magdalen] One step forward, two giant leaps back - the English Episcopate - What is in Kelvin's Head?

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 15:50:13 UTC 2015

Lance Giuffrida was suspected of looting All Saints, having transferred
$100K-plus of the church's funds to a non-pofit registered at his home
address. It's odd (to me) that he chose to name his new parish All Saints.
The great tradition of name-confusion perhaps. So now there are two
All Saints Attleboros.

I think it was his curate (or the one in Brockton maybe) who, when summoned
by Bp. Shaw  on a certain date to explain his shifting allegiance and his
in the Episcopal church, replied, "Tuesdays aren't good for me." We still
laugh about that. In fact, it's become a canned response in the house.

Speaking of name-confusion: one of the vestry members at the local ACNA
parish: Richard Foster.

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