[Magdalen] Happy Canada Day

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 14:33:59 UTC 2015

Tom Mulcair, the NDP head, and Justin Trudeau, the Liberal.  So, yes.  
Of the two, the rising tide appears to be favouring Mulcair and NDP at 
the moment, but there's a long time to go.   Harper is a Bad Man who is 
wrecking our wonderful country as he reshapes our institutions and, 
well, democracy to suit his own political philosopy, and I think ever 
more people are disenchanted for a million good reasons.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 7/2/2015 9:55 AM, Roger Stokes wrote:
> On 02/07/2015 14:43, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> And we'll do even better from October when we get rid of  Stephen 
>> 'Darth Vader' Harper and his ilk!
> Don't count your chickens.  The pollsters were confident we were 
> heading for a hung Parliament with small parties getting significant 
> numbers of seats.  It didn't happen.  One problem was that Ed 
> Milliband was not seen as a credible PM.  Do you have a credible 
> alternative to the incumbent PM?
> Roger

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